"What's on your Refrigerator door?"



One Question Can Help You Declutter Like a Pro
One Question
Can Help You
Declutter Like a Pro

Many people discover that decluttering and removing unnecessary items from the home can lead to a happier, healthier life. But we might also struggle with deciding what to keep and what to let go of. Even if you know it's time to simplify, you might feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the task.

The simple solution? Ask yourself: "If I had to move to another country next week, would I bring this with me?"

This straightforward question can help you identify the things you truly need as opposed to items that just occupy space. It can quickly clarify what is essential and useful, and what can be discarded or donated.

Consider using the FARFI acronym to ensure clear judgment while going through your belongings:

  • F – Frequency: "How often do I use this?"
  • A – Acquisition cost: "How expensive or difficult was it to obtain?"
  • R – Recency: "When did I last use this?"
  • F – Functionality: "What purpose does it serve?"
  • I – Intention: "Do I have a logical reason for keeping it?"

Decluttering may seem daunting, but you don't need to tackle it all at once. Try dedicating 20 minutes per day for 30 days to one room at a time. Alternatively, involve your family in a monthly decluttering session.

Donating items to those in need or supporting a charity can also ease the process by making it more worthwhile. Create a Donation Station for items you no longer require. Redirect the time spent searching through cluttered drawers and piles toward this more meaningful task.



Connell Tarr, CHFC®, CLU®, AEP®

Prudential Advisors

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