Author: jeffrey watson (1 articles found) - Clear Search

Revisiting the Fudamentals


1. You become like those with whom you frequently associate.

Look at the people with whom you most frequently interact.
Are they going where you're going?
Are they further ahead or are they holding you back?

To answer those questions, you must be clear in your own mind (and hopefully, you've put it in writing) as to where you are going.

What are your goals?
What principles are shaping your career and business endeavors?

If you aren't clear on the answers to these questions, this is where you need to begin. This is where you escape the shiny-object phenomenon for clear, identifiable goals regarding what you want to do. Instead of saying, "I want to be a Real Estate Investor," be specific and say, "I want to be a Real Estate Investor who uses the BRRR method with a reasonable LTV", or "I want to be a Buy-and-Hold Investor." or "I want to be a Fix-and-Flip Investor taking ugly houses and making them assets in my community" to these questions, look at the people with whom you most closely associate in non-family en